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Forum Software Upgrade

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  • Forum Software Upgrade

    Sorry for the down time. Our hosting company upgraded our PHP. That caused the old forum software to stop working. I paid VB to upgrade the software to the latest version. After doing this we discovered that this forum wasn't pointing at the server. Which caused a security issue. That's in the process of being fixed now. There could be some outages while we transfer everything over. Hopefully this clears up in a day.

  • #2
    With the upgrade to the software there are some changes to the look and layout. It might be confusing to some. Hell it is too me LOL.
    Near the top of the forum you will see Today's post. Click on that to just see all recently updated threads. Same for the link New Topics which will bring up the newest threads.

    Posting and starting threads is just about the same.
    I will say this regarding the changes. While I'm not thrilled our hosting company changed the PHP and in the end it cost me so far 149.00 to upgrade the software. It needed to be done.
    I asked them in the future to give me a couple of days notice and they said they will. Them upgrading the PHP was for security reasons and they said there wasn't time to notify anyone.

    We could experience outages while we're working on the SSL cert for the forum. It's supposed to be already in place, but needs 24 hours to clear. If it doesn't they will need to do it again.
    I might change the color of the board and get a custom theme made if I can find a reputable company.

    I would suggest in the case of down time in the future. Please private message me on here for my email address I use on my phone. I don't want to post it here, due to guest can see it.
    This way I can let you know what's going on. Trust me I wouldn't shut the forum down without updating all of you. When it's down, like it was. It was out of my control.


    • #3
      Thanks for all you do to keep the forum up and running for us!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bigtiger View Post
        Thanks for all you do to keep the forum up and running for us!
        Thanks BT


        • #5
          Game, sorry to hear they caught you off guard with the upgrade. No worries about the downtime. I appreciate you keeping this going! Thanks!

