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  • Oregon?

    I feel like it be time for a fade? I have not net them this year but hearing the true frustration in these sports book directors' voices on the radio shows here in Vegas, have to believe they are adjusting. Tough to say though, they to too high and sharps drop money quick, I guess that is the flip side huh? Thoughts?
    A man's gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it.

  • #2
    I think when looking to bet against Oregon the only question you have to ask is...
    Can the other team score.
    Unless Oregon mails it in or makes a bunch of mistakes. They are pretty tough to stop.
    That right there is the reason as a fan I hope they finish in the top 2 with Bama.

    Oregon runs a fast paced offense. They can take the fight out of a defense by running them up and down the field.
    So when they have a lead and slow things down. They could still eat up yards in big chunks.
    When the Eagles started fast. People said well at some point the defenses they face will adjust.
    They didn't have to. Vick handled it for them.
    It's hard to game plan for an offense that uses many different formations and can run multiple plays from any one of them.
    People think the QB has to be a runner. Well it helps. He at least has to be a threat to run with it.
    They think the QB has to be a great passer. No again that is misleading.
    What he has to do is get rid of the ball quick or take off with it.

    Sure as the season gets longer. There will be games where Oregon takes their foot off of the gas sooner.
    But again when betting against them. You have to ask can the other team score


    • #3
      All valid points. I'm impressed you managed to understand my post. Just reread it and quite a few typos! It was late and I was posting from my phone (damned auto correct!).

      I guess I just wonder where the books are at with them after getting pounded week after week. When I posted this 94% of side action was on Oregon. Seems like the books have to adjust for that type of lopsided action
      A man's gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it.

