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Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

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  • Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

    Following Dallas' controversial win over Detroit Sunday, referee Pete Morelli explained the key pass interference flag was picked up because one official thought it was "face guarding."
    With 8:25 left and the Lions up 20-17, Anthony Hitchens appeared to interfere with Brandon Pettigrew on a 3rd-and-1. "The back judge threw his flag for defensive pass interference," Morelli said in a pool report. "We got other information from another official from a different angle that thought the contact was minimal and didn't warrant pass interference. He thought it was face guarding." Face guarding (not playing the ball) is legal in the NFL but a penalty in college. "I mean, they already spotted the ball as a pass interference, and then went back and said it wasn't pass interference," Lions S James Ihedigbo said. "Never, never. Eight years in the NFL, I haven't seen that happen."

  • #2
    Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

    IMO, this is a perfectly reasonable explanation. And watching from several angles, I agree!
    "The ban on sports betting does exactly what Prohibition did, it makes criminals rich!"


    • #3
      Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

      Of course there was also holding by the defense ( tug on the jersey ), not to mention Dez Bryant coming on to the field without a helmet screaming at the Refs. Bad part was no explanation given over the address system as to why the flag was picked up. If I recall they had even marked off the penalty against Dallas. It would have been nice if Detroit would have had confidence to go for it on 4th and 1.


      • #4
        Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

        When I saw the play at first, I thought interference shouldn't have been called. After the replay, I thought he obviously interfered based on the rules. However, there's a lot of football that happened after that play... A LOT of plays made and not made by both teams.


        • #5
          Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

          Mule: I agree with plenty of football to play in that game...and any of us who played any sports in H.S. or at the Collegiate level (or Pro) would agree with your comment...becuase we were all reared by our Coaches that there's going to be adversity and don't let the Officials take the game away from you - be better & fight till the end, etc. However, it was called and it was correct to call it...that would've been in FG range at a minimum which would've created a 6 point Lion lead. Not where Lions shank a 10yd punt to very good field position...where if Lions scored they would've then kicked-off out of endzone and Romo would've started at 20yrd line. Or what if they scored a TD and went up 10pts? And now a very legit question is could Romo have rallied the 'boys? But for me...was NOT just this pass interference penalty that got picked up...Rather, the ensuing multiple FLAGS on 3rd Downs on the game winning Dallas drive to create 1st downs on the drive to take the lead! Then i have to watch on SportsCenter today the brutal holding NOT called on Suh on the 4th down that was completed to Whitten...when Romo sat back there for what seemed like forever.

          I was going to debate this in "my" thread the other night...but just didn't want to get in a debate with anyone. Hey, I cashed on Lions 2X on Sunday...but I just find it laughable that when the shenanigans that i believe live quite strong within the NFL...when they become THAT obvious so the non-regular viewer/spectator can say "what the h*ll was that?!" For the record - yes, I am very much a conspiracy theorist when it comes to the NFL & NBA. But that's okay...I still keep coming back for it and "flip my coin" on which team to root for. But I have given up the other pro sporting event...WWF! HA! I can recall swearing it was all so real and my grandfather tried to show me the light...but there was no explaining back then...

          I hope no one takes offense to my remarks - I'm certainly not trying to change anyones minds or passions for the game. I still love it, too...but perhpas we view the games thru different lenses as we watch what's going on.

          Good Luck everyone!


          • #6
            Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

            Originally posted by HitIt7 View Post
            Mule: I agree with plenty of football to play in that game...and any of us who played any sports in H.S. or at the Collegiate level (or Pro) would agree with your comment...becuase we were all reared by our Coaches that there's going to be adversity and don't let the Officials take the game away from you - be better & fight till the end, etc. However, it was called and it was correct to call it...that would've been in FG range at a minimum which would've created a 6 point Lion lead. Not where Lions shank a 10yd punt to very good field position...where if Lions scored they would've then kicked-off out of endzone and Romo would've started at 20yrd line. Or what if they scored a TD and went up 10pts? And now a very legit question is could Romo have rallied the 'boys? But for me...was NOT just this pass interference penalty that got picked up...Rather, the ensuing multiple FLAGS on 3rd Downs on the game winning Dallas drive to create 1st downs on the drive to take the lead! Then i have to watch on SportsCenter today the brutal holding NOT called on Suh on the 4th down that was completed to Whitten...when Romo sat back there for what seemed like forever.

            I was going to debate this in "my" thread the other night...but just didn't want to get in a debate with anyone. Hey, I cashed on Lions 2X on Sunday...but I just find it laughable that when the shenanigans that i believe live quite strong within the NFL...when they become THAT obvious so the non-regular viewer/spectator can say "what the h*ll was that?!" For the record - yes, I am very much a conspiracy theorist when it comes to the NFL & NBA. But that's okay...I still keep coming back for it and "flip my coin" on which team to root for. But I have given up the other pro sporting event...WWF! HA! I can recall swearing it was all so real and my grandfather tried to show me the light...but there was no explaining back then...

            I hope no one takes offense to my remarks - I'm certainly not trying to change anyones minds or passions for the game. I still love it, too...but perhpas we view the games thru different lenses as we watch what's going on.

            Good Luck everyone!
            I don't see where anybody would take offense with your opinion. You can build a case for either side.
            My opinion is they shouldn't have picked up the flag. Now I cant sit here and say as a Lions fan they would have won if the call stood.
            Same as there is no way I can say that they would have lost.

            With where we are at with social media and video uploading. The NFL or no league can look good when something like that happens.
            There is just too much exposure for anything bad caught on video that happens.
            I would think at some point there will be some penalties that will come under review in the NFL.
            College has already started it with the targeting call being put under review.
            Bottom line there is no sport league that wants anyone thinking that it could be fixed or a work like wrestling.
            When fans complained about bad calls long enough in baseball. Well baseball put in replay and that replay covers judgment calls.
            Baseball didn't want an image that an official could change the outcome of a game.
            We already know how they feel about betting on their sport. Just ask Pete Rose.

            On your comment about wrestling. My own Mom asked me why would certain bad guys act the way they do.
            So she had moments where it was real to her and I worked in the business for 20 years.
            Even worse if she thought it was real. There is a video of me getting my ass kicked by Butch Reed and she is laughing her ass off in the crowd while it was going on.


            • #7
              Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

              Been a lot of "fixed" games and nothing is ever done about it. NBA had a ref come out and admit to fixing and betting on games and it was all swept under the rug even after he said he was not alone. I think it's easy to buy an official maybe not so much a player.
              Now are you trying to tell me that RASSLIN is fixed??!! What next, no EASTER BUNNY??

              Money won is twice as nice as money earned
              Fast Eddie Felson


              • #8
                Re: Refs explain picked up flag from Dallas' win

                My opinion is that in football if the referee wants to call holding or interference on just about every snap of the ball they can but they don't,but when you see the 4th period comes they start to call the game different..but as you know sometimes your on the winning side but most of the time your's the same in the Nothing But Assholes league...NBA.... I think the lions got shafted my only opinion, but I always thought Wrestling was real also,WTF Captain...

