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Richie Incognito Is a Turd !

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  • Richie Incognito Is a Turd !

    Now it's easy to understand why Martin had a meltdown and left the Dolphins.
    After seeing what rotoworld reported and other sources. Makes wonder how much more shit he took from that clown


    The threatening voicemail Richie Incognito left for Jonathan Martin has been revealed and heard by both the Dolphins and the NFL.

    ESPN's Adam Schefter has the vile quotes from April. "Hey, wassup, you half n----- piece of (expletive). I saw you on Twitter, you been training ten weeks. (I want to) (expletive) in your (expletive) mouth. (I'm going to) slap your (expletive) mouth. (I'm going to) slap your real mother across the face (laughter). (Expletive) you, you're still a rookie. I'll kill you." Jonathan Martin has left the team and Incognito has been suspended indefinitely. According to Schefter, this type of abuse was not an isolated incident. Martin also has text messages from Incognito.

  • #2
    incognito is a complete moron. Kick him out of the league


    • #3
      Incognito will go to some mental health facility for five weeks and come back a changed man!!

      Bigger question is how can Martin step back into the locker room. I can understand his meltdown, but really, I can't see how the other guys look at him as not being a bit of a wuss. Why didn't he just walk up to Incognito and just Bitch slap him, put on the fake tough guy routine for 30 seconds as 10 guys jump in and break it up?? Poorly played!! Now all the touchy-feelly A-holes get to jump in and say football is way to violent and inhumane.


      • #4
        Originally posted by bigapple View Post
        Incognito will go to some mental health facility for five weeks and come back a changed man!!

        Bigger question is how can Martin step back into the locker room. I can understand his meltdown, but really, I can't see how the other guys look at him as not being a bit of a wuss. Why didn't he just walk up to Incognito and just Bitch slap him, put on the fake tough guy routine for 30 seconds as 10 guys jump in and break it up?? Poorly played!! Now all the touchy-feelly A-holes get to jump in and say football is way to violent and inhumane.
        If that locker room is anything like a wrestling locker room...
        Then Martin would have gotten his ass kicked the minute he jumped up and challenged a veteran player.
        I posted the same thing in the thread in the clubhouse when this story first broke.
        Everybody is wired a little different. I would rather get the shit kicked out of me then be another persons bitch.
        If in 2013 that asshole pack mentality still goes on in the locker room. Then no coach has control over his team.

        I get a little hazing and get making jokes about a person.
        There is a line and there was one in a wrestling locker room as well.
        You talk shit all you want. But the line was crossed at bringing in a persons family, race or sexuality.
        Years ago JBL crossed one of them in the WWE locker room and was promptly dropped on his ass by a guy almost 200 pounds smaller than him.
        When I first got in the business I was taught as a rookie, newb or whatever you want to call it...
        You walked in and shook hands and introduced yourself to every vet.
        Then you kept your mouth shut until spoken to.
        Once you been around long enough, then you did whatever you want.

        I'm not saying every locker room in wrestling was a hazing ground. Far from it.
        But there have been numerous issues and fights nobody has really ever heard.
        Such as Jericho needing to put Goldberg down. The guy walked in to the business like he owned it.
        Since Jericho had worked in every fucking low life territory in the world.
        He took it upon himself to put Goldberg in his rightful place.

        I will never endorse hazing. But I will endorse the respect factor.
        Your there to do a job and somebody is paying you pretty damn good to do it.
        This isn't high school or summer camp. Leave that shit in your memories and move on.
        All I ever asked guys that worked for me was to act like a pro when they're in my buildings.
        Once they walk out the door they could carrying on being who they really were.


        • #5
          I was thinking in the back of my head that there was some of that in the wrestling locker room.

          If Incognito did cross that line and then a rookie stood up and called him on it you'd have to at least hope the Vets step in and say "Richie too far!!"

          Did anyone see the Hard Knocks with the Dolphins? Wasn't that the team that taped that rook to the goal post and doused him with gatorade and then through some powder on him or some crazy crap like that?


          • #6
            Originally posted by bigapple View Post
            I was thinking in the back of my head that there was some of that in the wrestling locker room.

            If Incognito did cross that line and then a rookie stood up and called him on it you'd have to at least hope the Vets step in and say "Richie too far!!"

            Did anyone see the Hard Knocks with the Dolphins? Wasn't that the team that taped that rook to the goal post and doused him with gatorade and then through some powder on him or some crazy crap like that?
            Right now there is a presser on it with coach Joe Philbin.
            Somebody brought up hard knocks and hazing. It was hard to hear the entire question.
            But Philbin dismissed it as he really didn't watch the show.

            Of course I cant speak on their locker room.
            But I have seen veteran wrestlers police other vets who might have been out of line...
            And seen them also tell a rookie to tone it down a notch or two.
            I think both locker rooms have something similar. You have new guys coming in who were the big man on campus from where they come from.
            Asking that person to blend in or just be a nobody is going to be something new and different for them.
            Some can go with the flow. Others might be able to be able to talked into acting right and some are just assholes.

            I had guys coming in from all over the US and Canada. Where they came from they were a leader or main event player.
            But when they walked into our room, they were nobody for the most part.
            Now I'm not talking about an established star from TV. But an up and coming guy.
            Like CM Punk was big in Chicago, Kentucky and some other towns.
            Edge and Christain were over huge in Canada, but nobody in Mi or Ohio knew who the hell they were back then.
            But all 3 of those guys acted like true professionals.
            Edge had to take a lot of shit from older wrestlers. He was a guy from day one that you knew was going to be a player.
            Some of these old guys will do whatever it takes to protect their spot.
            That would be a case where another vet steps in and tells the older guy to back off.
            I think there is a fine line between hazing and bullying.
            Sounds too me like you have a little of both with Incognito. Like in a group setting he was doing some ribbing or hazing.
            But away from the pack he was being a bully to Martin.
            We may never know for sure what happened.

            Dolphins and other players would look horrible if they knew what was going on and turned a blind eye to it.
            I think anytime you have any hint of racism or something that could be damaging to your brand...
            There is almost no way in hell a coach or an owner would ignore that.
            I think Philbin kind of hinted in his presser that Martin never told him this stuff was going on.
            That right there might be proof that more was going on between the two away from the pack.
            Kid might have felt his word vs a veterans wouldn't carry weight. So he kept quiet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TheGame View Post
              If that locker room is anything like a wrestling locker room...
              Then Martin would have gotten his ass kicked the minute he jumped up and challenged a veteran player.
              I posted the same thing in the thread in the clubhouse when this story first broke.
              Everybody is wired a little different. I would rather get the shit kicked out of me then be another persons bitch.
              If in 2013 that asshole pack mentality still goes on in the locker room. Then no coach has control over his team.

              I get a little hazing and get making jokes about a person.
              There is a line and there was one in a wrestling locker room as well.
              You talk shit all you want. But the line was crossed at bringing in a persons family, race or sexuality.
              Years ago JBL crossed one of them in the WWE locker room and was promptly dropped on his ass by a guy almost 200 pounds smaller than him.
              When I first got in the business I was taught as a rookie, newb or whatever you want to call it...
              You walked in and shook hands and introduced yourself to every vet.
              Then you kept your mouth shut until spoken to.
              Once you been around long enough, then you did whatever you want.

              I'm not saying every locker room in wrestling was a hazing ground. Far from it.
              But there have been numerous issues and fights nobody has really ever heard.
              Such as Jericho needing to put Goldberg down. The guy walked in to the business like he owned it.
              Since Jericho had worked in every fucking low life territory in the world.
              He took it upon himself to put Goldberg in his rightful place.

              I will never endorse hazing. But I will endorse the respect factor.
              Your there to do a job and somebody is paying you pretty damn good to do it.
              This isn't high school or summer camp. Leave that shit in your memories and move on.
              All I ever asked guys that worked for me was to act like a pro when they're in my buildings.
              Once they walk out the door they could carrying on being who they really were.
              The thing about Martin was he's not a rookie anymore. this is his second year and he paid his dues, for Incognito to continue the harrasment is unacceptable.

