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Good for Incognito!!

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  • Good for Incognito!!

    Good to see him stand up and tell it like it is. I think in the end the press has done what the press does and that is distort the truth for the sake of a story!

  • #2
    So you think the voice mail was fake ?


    • #3
      The interview was good. Voice mail is real, he admitted it. Did Incognito cross the line? Yes, he did. But as he said, we aren't in the locker room. We don't really know how there relationship was. He also turned over 1100 text messages between the two, looks like that's how there relationship was. IDK, it's a messed up thing. I wish they would just get back to football.


      • #4

        No, I think the VM was taken out of context. I think Incognito and Martin were actually closer than we are lead to believe. This is Gladiator Camp, common men have no idea what these guys are about.

        I was in a locker room or two in my life and can see a scenario where this is about a guy who had just had enough and took this way out. He replied to Incognito's txt msg that he was sorry.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bigapple View Post

          No, I think the VM was taken out of context. I think Incognito and Martin were actually closer than we are lead to believe. This is Gladiator Camp, common men have no idea what these guys are about.

          I was in a locker room or two in my life and can see a scenario where this is about a guy who had just had enough and took this way out. He replied to Incognito's txt msg that he was sorry.
          My opinion is this.
          Looking at Incognito and his alleged incidents as a pro and in college...
          The guy is a bully with a touch of asshole.
          I think what you wrote is correct. Martin had enough and took this way out.


          • #6
            With the NFL sticking it's nose in to the locker room environment the next line they are going to blur is locker room behavior, acceptable and unacceptable.

            This is going to turn into a lesser version of the Saints witch hunt we saw last year and get Philbin and Ireland tossed. It's too bad!! Tell me how over the last 100 years of football locker rooms have been 'designed' to toughen up weaker minds and now all of the sudden this is going to change because Goodell "Cares" about the players.

            What an ass-clown! If he cared so much he should shut the sport down! Really Rodger, you know on any given Sunday that one of the young men could lose life or the ability with their limbs, and you let them take the field. How anyone can rationalize what this sport is about is inhumane!

            Which way do you play it? Let tough guys be tough guys or turn it into croquette with tea and biscuits at half-time?


            • #7
              Originally posted by bigapple View Post
              With the NFL sticking it's nose in to the locker room environment the next line they are going to blur is locker room behavior, acceptable and unacceptable.

              This is going to turn into a lesser version of the Saints witch hunt we saw last year and get Philbin and Ireland tossed. It's too bad!! Tell me how over the last 100 years of football locker rooms have been 'designed' to toughen up weaker minds and now all of the sudden this is going to change because Goodell "Cares" about the players.

              What an ass-clown! If he cared so much he should shut the sport down! Really Rodger, you know on any given Sunday that one of the young men could lose life or the ability with their limbs, and you let them take the field. How anyone can rationalize what this sport is about is inhumane!

              Which way do you play it? Let tough guys be tough guys or turn it into croquette with tea and biscuits at half-time?
              Honestly Roger should run for president.
              Every move he makes is done from public outcry.
              The NFL ignored for years the long term effects from concussions.
              Since people were upset about it. He now acts like he gives a damn and wants to make the game safer.
              A player from the Redskins even said because of all the rules in place regarding hits...
              Your for the most part suggesting that players blowout the knees of the guy they're tackling.

              I think taking steps to promote player safety is a good thing. But acting like this is for the players best interest is bullshit.
              This is a measure he is taking because it's the popular thing to do.
              Does anybody really think Richie is the first bully to ever play in the NFL. No of course he isn't.
              Players have said things like this have been going on for years.
              What's popular right now in main stream society...The anti bullying stance.
              Again his involvement is from public outcry and public pressure.
              I'm 110% behind the anti bully movement.
              But on this subject and what happened with the Dolphins it should be handled in house.
              Now if they couldn't fix it, then a third party should be involved.
              Right now you have a coach, a GM and two players who have their careers on the line.
              Not sure that an outside party should have the final say on their fates.
              We're not in the locker room. So any argument we make is on perception.
              You can line up 10 people and get 10 different answers. Same thing you get when all teams look at these players and coaching staffs.
              The GM cares only about playing skill and not what kind of person the player is.
              Philbin has no control over his players or locker room.
              Martin is a whiny baby.
              Incognito is a bully and an asshole
              Now is anything I just said the 100 percent truth. No probably not.
              But you would be hard to argue with anybody that made those assumptions based on what info we have in front of us.
              I'm kind of surprised the players union hasn't made more noise about the Incognito suspension.
              Again based on what has been said. You have suspended a guy and taken money out of his pocket.
              While I have argued on behalf of Martin in the past.
              I will argue on behalf of Incognito in this case. You have already proved him guilty, without any form of trial.
              The perception created is the guy is guilty and now he has to prove his innocence.
              Not sure how the NFL can be impartial. By allowing the suspension to stand. They have already tipped to what side they're leaning to.

