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It's all about the almighty dollar...

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  • It's all about the almighty dollar...

    The liberal left in LA are 'allowing' the NFL to host the SB @ SoFi stadium...even though UCLA couldn't have fans in the stands the other night & while the common folk (insert you &I) can't do sh*t in that state...LMAO.

    Who in the h*ll did the NFL payoff?

    Soaked & dripping wet with hypocrisy.

    Just goes to show again, time after time after time, that the restrictions are only political power grabs.

    And everyone still has to wear a mask, even though everyone knows the damn things don't work & actually have the reverse effect.

    What a crock a'sh*t!!!

  • #2
    More peoplw need to see and understand what is happening in this country !!!!


    • #3
      we all have two-shot and the wife and kids have the third shot... same goes for the wife's family and they test positive and have to stay home for 5 days... even though it was mild .... I ask you if more than half the population have the covid shot and covid infection increase 1.5 years later ? really ... logically it should go down since more than half the US population has the covid shot ? and when you ask they will tell you ... well you now have a higher chance of survival once you have taken the shot... but note... the shot is only good for 6 months... wtf .... are they telling us we need a booster shot after booster shot ? I'm done... if I get it I get it... fk it... the funny thing is that I'm in the automotive industries and we have never closed down one day since the outbreak and no one got infected...


      • #4
        California is Cuba West, Why they keep voting in these Crazy ass Commies I have no Idea, The State(southern) is a Shithole, My Wife is retiring because of a forced Clot Shot mandate at her Job, I Know 3 people that died from this Toxic Shot, One (my cousin)53 years old, good shape, Heart Attack three weeks after, A Female Friend in her 30's, 3 days after booster(Brain Clot), A Male Friend,67, Three days after his Booster, Heart Attack....

        If ya all seen last week or the week before, Two Referees had to leave the games, One in Seattle's game and I think the Other was a Steeler game, Never seen anything like that... The Virus is 99.8% survivable, The entire world is in on this Con Job, why? All of them are in so much debt that there is no way to get out of it and the interest will eventually collapse them, They want to collapse the System in a manner that will be less havoc,Give them more Power of the Pee on's, And depopulate, Which this Shot is doing and will do over the next few years, Then reset a one world Government and one currency......


        • #5
          Need to learn to live with this like we do flu, pneumonia, and a host of other diseases.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chamblin View Post
            Need to learn to live with this like we do flu, pneumonia, and a host of other diseases.
            Everything reduces to what you said.

            Just gonna say this ... the core value to a conservative is personal responsibility. They fight through everything to take care of their own lives and those they are responsible for. Liberals? Well check which states and cities have the most severe covid rules. They don't look inward. They look outward to the Big Daddy Government to solve their problems.

