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Sunday Funday prob bets

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  • Sunday Funday prob bets

    So on bovada they have some interesting prob bets that aren't necessarily sports related. Thought I'd give my thoughts on a few of them.

    o/u times they show Archie: 2
    under.......last Super Bowl he wasn't shown at all and half time doesn't count

    length of national anthem o/u 2 min 25sec
    over.....opera singer is going to hold notes longer

    will national anthem singer be wearing gloves?'s cold out...wouldn't you?

    what will Bruno Mars be wearing at the start of halftime show?
    fedora.....I think he'll come out in his bread and butter

    will the announcers say the word 'marijuana' at all during the game?
    no......announcers know millions of people are watching and prob don't want that on their resume

    will Moreno cry at national anthem?
    yes....again opera singer sounds amazing and I think he likes recognition.

    Again I know these aren't football related but it's something different. For the game I'm going with broncos -3 and under 47. Good luck everyone and enjoy!